Marketing and Advertising Trends for 2017


2017 is the year when the number of robots and algorithms that fiddle with and poke at every single banner impression exceeds the number of people who actually view banners.

The term ”Content” becomes so overinflated it implodes. People instead start just using ”stuff”.

Print media to rebrand themselves ”Actual Reality Experience Products”, resulting in a significant boost in print advertising

Influencers break down in tears over the confusion of having advertising agency, media agency, PR agency and social agency independently contacting them about the same customer and the same campaign.

First one to do something with the ”Internet of Things” wins.

Customers continue considering it practical to invite agencies to pitches in late May and plan submission/presentation immediately after the summer holidays, to be able to look at them when refreshed after some time off work

Direct Marketing is the new Snapchat

The word ”farfetched” finds a new definition when agencies try to combine virtual reality with customers’ boring products

An unofficial record is set in May when someone manages to mention ”data” 143 times in the same meeting

The ”digital transformation” will be completely finished in 2017, leaving everyone a bit confused about what to do next

In the absence of new buzzwords for trend presentations, people just start recycling classics like ”Mobile first” ”Newsroom marketing” and ”Sharevertising”.


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